Research Grants: Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund (DURF)
Opens Jun 22 2023 09:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Apr 2 2025 11:59 PM (EDT)

The Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund was created in 1996 to provide students funding for their projects and remains the main form of material support CAS offers undergraduates pursuing independent research projects. Applicants can receive up to $1,250 per grant for a Research Grant (either Individual or Team). Faculty selection committees are charged with reviewing applications and awarding grants each cycle.

Funds may be used for a wide range of reasonable and justifiable expenses: e.g., the purchase of necessary equipment or supplies; travel to archives, museums, or labs; software licenses; data sets; income lost because of reduced hours at a current or continued place of employment.

DURF grants may be expended during the fall, winter, spring, or summer terms. Applicants must be current first-years, sophomores, juniors, or first-term seniors in the College of Arts and Science (please visit the DURF FAQ page for more information).

Research Considerations:

  • As always, students working with human subjects should consult NYU's IRB policies and apply for IRB approval as necessary.
  • Travel funding: NYU does not currently place restrictions on travel to most sites, with the exception of the countries listed here. Student travel to one of these listed sites will not be funded without approval from NYU's Travel Safety Committee - for more information about requesting approval, please review NYU's Travel Policy

Applications consist of a student submitted application and a letter of recommendation submitted by a applicants' research mentor. The online application includes three required tasks: 1) Personal Information Form, 2) Research Proposal, and 3) Recommendation Request. The Research Proposal is made up of the following sections:

  • Individual Research Grant:
    • Clearly articulate the specific research question and goals of the project (250 words)
    • Provide sufficient background, including references, to contextualize your research and explain its significance (600 words)
    • Describe your methodological approach (600 words)
    • Describe your timeline for completing the project (150 words)
    • How is the project relevant to your academic interests and goals (150 words)
    • Describe your relationship with your project mentor (200 words)
    • Budget request

  • Team Research Grant (PLEASE NOTE: Only one member of a team needs to submit a grant)
    • In addition to everything necessary for the Individual Research Grant: Describe how each member will contribute to the overall project (300 words)

Research Grants: Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund (DURF)

The Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund was created in 1996 to provide students funding for their projects and remains the main form of material support CAS offers undergraduates pursuing independent research projects. Applicants can receive up to $1,250 per grant for a Research Grant (either Individual or Team). Faculty selection committees are charged with reviewing applications and awarding grants each cycle.

Funds may be used for a wide range of reasonable and justifiable expenses: e.g., the purchase of necessary equipment or supplies; travel to archives, museums, or labs; software licenses; data sets; income lost because of reduced hours at a current or continued place of employment.

DURF grants may be expended during the fall, winter, spring, or summer terms. Applicants must be current first-years, sophomores, juniors, or first-term seniors in the College of Arts and Science (please visit the DURF FAQ page for more information).

Research Considerations:

  • As always, students working with human subjects should consult NYU's IRB policies and apply for IRB approval as necessary.
  • Travel funding: NYU does not currently place restrictions on travel to most sites, with the exception of the countries listed here. Student travel to one of these listed sites will not be funded without approval from NYU's Travel Safety Committee - for more information about requesting approval, please review NYU's Travel Policy

Applications consist of a student submitted application and a letter of recommendation submitted by a applicants' research mentor. The online application includes three required tasks: 1) Personal Information Form, 2) Research Proposal, and 3) Recommendation Request. The Research Proposal is made up of the following sections:

  • Individual Research Grant:
    • Clearly articulate the specific research question and goals of the project (250 words)
    • Provide sufficient background, including references, to contextualize your research and explain its significance (600 words)
    • Describe your methodological approach (600 words)
    • Describe your timeline for completing the project (150 words)
    • How is the project relevant to your academic interests and goals (150 words)
    • Describe your relationship with your project mentor (200 words)
    • Budget request

  • Team Research Grant (PLEASE NOTE: Only one member of a team needs to submit a grant)
    • In addition to everything necessary for the Individual Research Grant: Describe how each member will contribute to the overall project (300 words)
Jun 22 2023 09:00 AM (EDT)
Apr 2 2025 11:59 PM (EDT)